The Works

Many of my cube mates were buzzing about the new burger joint that opened down the street. Call me a sheep but I obviously had to go see what all the commotion was about.


What struck me at first was their kind of industrial meets Canadian log cabin themed decor. I loved the way the place looked, right down to their light bulb salt and pepper shakers, to their measuring cups as glasses.



The first time I went to the Works, although my burger was good, I wouldn’t have classified it as being one of the best burgers I’ve ever had.  I ordered a Johnny Be Goat (Beef patty with spinach  red peppers, and goat cheese). It was slightly on the dry side and almost excessively too large. Since it was their opening week, I decided to wait a month before going again to see if things changed once they had some time to settle in. I must say, I was much more impressed by both the service and the quality of the burgers the second time around. I opted for their Downtowner(gouda cheese, bacon and avocado) with chicken breast  and was pleased at how thick, yet moist and juicy it was. The boyfriend choose the ROF beef burger (onion ring, jalapeno, banana and chipotle peppers) and it was as big as mine was the first time, but much more moist.


All in all, it’s a cute place but if you’re going for lunch, make sure you give yourself enough time as it does take 20 mins for the burgers to cook. And if it’s your first time, you’ll be spending at least 5 mins trying to decide from their giant list of burger choices.


The Works

123 Simcoe Street Peterborough
Peterborough, Ontario

Phone: (705) 874-7474